TOSHIMI(東芝美)-由钻石和纯金制成的 "ai-top",以 "类似武士的玫瑰 "的形式在珠宝界掀起一场新的珠宝革命
【品牌宣传视频】  【宣传单】  【估算与订购】
日本語 English 中文 Español Русский العربية

被称为 "武士玫瑰 "的戒指 / Ring


You will be the center of attention at any social occations with bold blooming rose ring, and it may be better associated with our party bag of "TOSHIMI" collections.

Product specification

リングトップ / Ring Top

W28.9mm × H16.3mm
Gold K18-黄金K18 / Diamond 0.22ct-总共0.22克拉的钻石

日元2,772,000--appr.美元20,000.-(含税 10% 消费税)


※显示的尺寸是每件实际作品的尺寸。 由于每件物品都是手工制作的,可能会出现轻微的差异。 请参考所显示的尺寸并理解它们。


※Upgrading is available for diamonds in color and size.

※Alternative jewellry variations are available instead of diamonds and yellow-gold, i.e. ruby or sapphire instead of diamond, and pink-gold or white-gold instead of yellow-gold.

※The photo-image and descriptions shown above is only for youre reference. Every bag will be manufactured by custom-order with natural material of crocodile skins and jewellry. Some appearances may naturally show slight differences individually.

被称为 "武士玫瑰 "的穿孔耳环 / Earrings


The light from the elegant gold and diamonds will brighten up your look with every sway.

Product specification

穿孔耳环/ Pierce

W17.9mm × H10.6mm
Gold K18-黄金K18 / Diamond 2.2ct-总共2.2克拉的钻石

日元4,142,160--appr.美元30,000.-(inc. 10% 消费税)


※显示的尺寸是每件实际作品的尺寸。 由于每件物品都是手工制作的,可能会出现轻微的差异。 请参考所显示的尺寸并理解它们。


※Upgrading is available for diamonds in color and size.

※Alternative jewellry variations are available instead of diamonds and yellow-gold, i.e. ruby or sapphire instead of diamond, and pink-gold or white-gold instead of yellow-gold.

※The photo-image and descriptions shown above is only for youre reference. Every bag will be manufactured by custom-order with natural material of crocodile skins and jewellry. Some appearances may naturally show slight differences individually.


我们的产品是按订单生产的。 如果你想收到每个项目的实体副本,请与我们联系。
一旦下了订单并敲定了细节,产品就会被生产出来。 大约需要2-3个月的时间才能交货。
请咨询与「镶有宝石的拉链拉头-Jewelled Zip Top」相同的近战钻石规格,或关于升级该钻石等。

【Price-quote, Inquiry, Consultation & Product-order】

Our products are made to order. Please contact us if you would like to have a physical copy of each item for display.
For the first place, please contact us for the detailed explanation and further consultation.
We will start manufacturing your product only after you have signed the contract with your payment upfront.
Normally it will take 2-3 months for manufacturing and delivery.
Any changes or upgrades to the diamond gemstone or the base (pedestal) supporting the gemstone can be discussed at the meeting.
We also welcome any enquiries regarding OEM of jewelled fastener slides.


摄影师 : Flavio Gallozzi